2021年の締め括りとして夫婦で、1泊2日で黒部・宇奈月温泉やまのはに宿泊しました。絶景の露天風呂に何度も入り、豪華な夕食バイキングで、新鮮な食材の料理をお腹いっぱいに堪能し、地酒も美味しく本当に優雅なひと時を夫婦で過ごすことが出来ました。今回、大満足の旅行になったため、その一コマを少し紹介したいと思いました。よかったら最後までご視聴いただき、参考になればと思いますのでよろしくお願いします。また、登山も夫婦で楽しみたいと思います。#楽天トラベル#宇奈月温泉#露天風呂#食べ放題#バイキング#夫婦旅行#大雪#一晩で雪が積もる#大雪警報#積雪#富山の遊び場#旅する社長#北陸の温泉#おすすめ温泉宿#ランキング温泉#hot spring#all-you-can-eat#Married couple trip#ズワイカニ食べ放題#寿司食べ放題#日本酒飲み放題#デザートバイキング#サウナ#除雪作業#夫婦登山# 外国人観光客
[Kurobe / Unazuki Onsen Yamanoha] 1 night 2 days 2021.12.30 that is very satisfying with a couple trip, a superb view open-air bath, and a luxurious buffet
To conclude in 2021, the couple stayed at Kurobe / Unazuki Onsen Yamanoha for 2 days and 1 night. I took many times in the open-air bath with a magnificent view, enjoyed the dishes of fresh ingredients to my heart’s content with a luxurious dinner buffet, and the couple was able to spend a truly elegant time with delicious local sake. This time, it was a very satisfying trip, so I wanted to introduce a little of that scene. If you like, please watch it till the end and I hope it will be helpful. Thank you. Also, I would like to enjoy mountain climbing as a couple.
# Rakuten Travel # Unazuki Onsen # Open-air bath # All-you-can-eat # Viking # Couple trip # Heavy snow # Snow accumulates overnight # Heavy snow warning # Snow cover # Toyama playground # Traveling president # Hokuriku hot spring # Recommended hot spring inn # Ranking hot spring # hot spring # all-you-can-eat #Married couple trip # all-you-can-eat zuwai crab # all-you-can-eat sushi # all-you-can-drink Japanese sake #dessert buffet #sauna #snow removal work
#Mt.ピッコナ #山好き移住者の日記byもじゃまる #夫婦の過ごし方 #たっかー #RAYCHANNEL #LA SPORTIVA(スポルティバ)エクイリビウムST GTXを履いて登山#観光地巡り#安涼奈の山登り#MARiA麻莉亜#8Colors#かほの登山日記#TAKE CHANNEL#笑う夫婦#山広Yamahiro#Bappa Shota#オトナ女子の山登り#こばやし夫婦 #谷川岳