Imagine that way back in the eleventh century. it’s a classic example of Norman military architecture and has stood the test of time surviving fires, wars and the ever changing skyline of London. But let’s get to the heart of it, the White Tower. that’s the central one was built by William the Conqueror in the ten seventies Speaking of time, did you know that the tower has been home to the Royal Mint up until the nineteenth century? #TowerOfLondonHistory,#RoyalResidenceLegacy,#WhiteTowerArchitecture,#TowerOfLondonMint,#MedievalPowerCenter,#RoyalBanquetsTradition,#TowerOfLondonAnimals,#NormanChapelHeritage,#RoyalIntrigueLegends,#HistoricRoyalArtifacts