We’d like to introduce you to a very stylish hot spring inn in Nasu-Shiobara that is known for its super-beautifying skin.
The spring water, which flows 24 hours a day, is a weakly alkaline, skin-beautifying spring containing 132 mg of metasilicic acid per kilo. What’s more, all of the guest rooms with their own garden and open-air bath, limited to 10 groups per day, are luxurious detached rooms facing the Hoki River.
The inn is also packed with other great facilities, including a large communal bath with a stylish foot bath and standing bath, a training gym, a sauna, a bedrock bath, and a lounge with a great atmosphere.
We believe this is a special hot spring inn that you won’t regret staying at, so we hope you enjoy it along with the charms of Shiobara hot springs.

【スタンダード】山海創作料理プラン 最高級A5ランクプレミアム和牛料理付き
離れ 特別室(露天風呂・専用お庭付き)【禁煙】 (和洋室)
料金:2名1室 98,990円 (消費税・サービス料込)※諸割引含む

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1:00 塩原温泉の魅力(美肌の源泉)
2:15 アクセス
2:37 宿のご紹介はこの辺りからです
3:21 エントランス、フロント、ラウンジ
4:58 お部屋のご紹介はこの辺りからです
5:22 間取り、リビング
7:00 ベッドルーム
7:38 テラス、お庭
8:18 サニタリー
9:22 露天風呂
10:10 泉質&大浴場
11:33 足湯テラス、トレーニングジム、サウナ、岩盤浴
12:53 ディナー
16:21 ラウンジで焼きマシュマロ
17:10 朝食
17:54 総評
19:16 塩原温泉観光地を3分でご紹介
