「弘前公園・弘前城の桜 2023!!」を見てきました。ソメイヨシノが満開後の土曜日に出かけてきました。曇りのち雨という天候でしたが、国内、海外各地からたくさんの方々が来ていて、弘前公園・弘前城の魅力の高さをあらためて感じました。弘前公園・弘前城では、ソメイヨシノに続いて、八重桜7品種がリレーして開花していきます。5月初めまで楽しめます。

I have seen “Cherry blossoms in Hirosaki Park and Hirosaki Castle 2023!!” I went out on Saturday after the Yoshino cherry trees were in full bloom. The weather was cloudy and then rainy, but many people came from all over Japan and overseas, and I felt once again the high charm of Hirosaki Park and Hirosaki Castle. At Hirosaki Park and Hirosaki Castle, following the Somei Yoshino, seven varieties of Yae cherry blossoms will bloom in relay. You can enjoy it until the beginning of May.

撮影: 2023年4月中旬
Mid-April 2023

00:00 ダイジェスト
00:46 本編
15:12 エンディング

【Video Contents】
00:00 Digest
00:46 Main story
15:12 Ending


【About Me】
Since the fall of 2021, I have been living in two locations (Aomori and Chiba). From Aomori, it is easy to go to such as Hokkaido, Iwate, and Akita, and from Chiba, it is easy to go to Tokyo and surrounding prefectures. I like sightseeing and mountain climbing, so I hope to have fun sharing videos in those fields with everyone.


Please subscribe to my channel and give it a high rating!
@Traveling channel from Aomori and Chiba (near Tokyo)

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